Georgian Bay day 3 (cont'd)
Georgian Bay Day 3 (Cont'd)

We walked along the western shore to the southern tip of the island, following the rocky shoreline rather than the park trail. The variety of rocks, pebbles, and the occasional breaking waves made the hike more interesting compared to walking on the park trail, which is further inland and vegetation often blocks the view of the water. There was this solitary seagull, practicing the art of low flight in gusting winds, circling a rock tower left by travelers of yesterday:

On the return trip we stopped by the Park maintenance office to ask for a piece of duct tape. The staff probably had never been requested to provide assistance to repair a sailboat, and they were extremely helpful in searching through their vast supply of maintenance material and eventually found what I needed. Duct tape, the quintessential solution that fixes everything, one should never leave home without it! The damaged jib was patched up with the tape, and it felt stronger than ever. However, a different kind of disaster struck, although we were not to find out until the next morning.

Day 4